Major General Asif Ghafoor, former-director-general ISPR survived in a deadly incident at Motorway near Sargodha, the news appeared on Thursday.
The news prevailed in the small blogging site by Osama Qureshi, the Director at Oasis Energy. According to him “Gen sb and his wife are Alhumdullilah safe as the car was under speed limit”.
Ex DG ISPR Gen Asif Ghafoor @peaceforchange (Designate GOC 40 Div) met an accident on motorway near Sargodha. Gen sb and his wife are Alhumdullilah safe as the car was under speed limit.
— Usama Qureshi (@UsamaQureshy) February 5, 2020
Meanwhile, the incident had occurred 4 days earlier in the morning time on February 3.
Maj.Ghafoor was en route to Islamabad with his wife in a black Land Cruiser, as the vehicle cross 16 km away from Tokhar Niaz Baig, a buffalo come upfront the vehicle due to the unblocking of the fence on either side, which causes the incident.
In the interim, social media users were wishing a speedy recovery for Maj. Ghafoor, then the peacetime turned into jubilant when news appeared from different eminent users that Maj. Ghafoor is already in Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah. And he is in full sound at the present.
الحمد للہ میجر جنرل آصف غفور بخیر وعافییت مکة المکرمہ میں اہلیہ کے ہمراہ موجود ہیں ، ۲ اور ۳ فروری کی درمیانی شب موٹر وے پر حادثہ پیش آیا جس میں معجزاتی طور پر اللہ نے محفوظ رکھا…اللہ تعالی سب کو اپنی حفظ و امان میں رکھے ( آمین)— Aamir Liaquat Husain (@AamirLiaquat) February 6, 2020
As per in January, Maj. Ghafoor was replaced by Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar as the spokesperson of the Army.
Currently, Maj. Ghafoor’s services have been transferred to the 40th Infantry Division Okara, as the general officer commanding.